Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Check-in, Thanksgiving stuff

Hey. So I guess I feel a little guilty that I haven't made a post in 12 days.
This blog might be slow in the next while. A lot of shows are on break, so there's not much new stuff to recap. I've been keeping busy by watching old things. "Rescue Me" is getting great, I watched all of season 2 in just two days, so I might write about that at some point, but the stuff from that I'm watching is still years old so I don't know how relevant it would be. There hasn't really been much news lately that I'm interested in either, but if there is I can write about that.

I still don't know if anyone reads this blog, but if there is, please bear with me. I'm not giving up on this thing so quickly. Remember you can also read me at TV Geek Army (tvgeekarmy.com) when new episodes of my shows are made. I'm still doing Amazing Race and Community recaps for them.

So how was your Thanksgiving? I had a nice time. Watched some football, did some baking. I made marshmallow apple crisp and peanut butter pie (that wasn't actually baking, since it's a cold pie, but it counts, right? It's still making dessert), and they were both wonderful. For black Friday all I bought was an iTunes gift card (Best Buy had $50 cards for only $40! How could that be a bad investment?) and season 1 of "Mad Men". So I guess I'll have to change my blog description if I actually do start watching it.

Alright, that's all I have to say for now I guess. I can tell you don't really care about any of this. Go off, live your life. But please don't for get about me.


  1. I am reading Reuben. I just don't check blogspot all the time. You should also post in Rotten Tomatoes. I post in both places to maximize coverage.

  2. I would post in RT, I just haven't had time to watch many movies lately! TV, especially Rescue Me, has been dominating my time, and with schoolwork as always I really don't have any time left.
